Vendor Management Best Practices Methodology 

Fine Line's Vendor Management Best Practices Wheel has over twelve disciplines across four domains that create durable and cost effective vendor relationships.  

Fine Line's Vendor Management Best Practices Wheel has over twelve disciplines across four domains that create durable and cost effective vendor relationships.  

Four domains of Vendor Management

1. Engagement.

Establishing a sourcing strategy and developing an efficient plan to identify and contract with the best fit. Develop and execute a sourcing strategy to deliver sustainable results, including a concise IT Strategy, Data Center Strategy, or Cloud Strategy. 

2. RELATIONSHIP Management

Maintaining market alignment and preserving the business case. In this domain, developing behaviors to support the business case are emphasized to prevent value leakage. 

3. Governance

Keeping the relationship fresh and responsive to the entire Client ecosystem, including multi-source suppliers

4. Optimize

Fine Line, more than any other advisory firm, focuses on new contracting methods to drive innovation of the life of an agreement. For example, can new sourcing advisory techniques such as Adaptive Sourcing drive innovation in your enterprise?

The FIne Line Advantage

  • 15-years experience
  • $12-billion in sourcing contracts negotiated
  • Fair Rates: 35%-50% lower than our competitors